Algebra 2

Friday, October 27, 2006

#6.4 Polynomials and Polynomial functions
  • (12-32) even

if you don't understand how to do a question, post the actual question with the directions.

Don't tell me that you don't understand #12.

Write: I don't understand #12. Factor: x^3 + 64.

I will log on periodically throughout the weekend to answer your questions.

Have a PG-13 weekend!


  • hong,
    factor x^3 + 64

    this is a sum of 2 cubes
    first, find a. a = the cube root of x^3. in other words, what times itself is equal to x to the third power? a is equal to whatever that is.

    b is equal to the cube root of 64. in other words, what number times itself 3 times equals 64?

    once you figure out a and b, just plug them into the formula:

    hope that helps. if you require further assistance, just ask. post your answer and i will tell you if you've got it right or not.

    By Blogger msichan, at Saturday, October 28, 2006 8:50:00 PM  

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