Algebra 2

Monday, October 09, 2006

#5.6 Complex Numbers
  • (2-46) even
second hour: Here is the last Aim that we didn't get to in class because we ran out of time. Please copy and make it part of your notes for today.

Aim 6: to find complex solutions

Example a:
Solve 4x^2 + 100 = 0

isolate x^2 by subtracting 100 to get:

4x^2 = -100

find the square roots of both sides to get:

2x = 10i and 2x = -10i

solve for x to get your final answers of:

x = 5i, -5i

Example b:
Solve 3x^2 + 48 = 0

isolate 3x^2 by subtracting 48 from both sides to get:

3x^2 = -48

solve for x^2 by dividing by 3 on both sides to get:

x^2 = -16

find the square roots of both sides to get:

x = 4i and x = -4i


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